Monday, April 16, 2007

When the saints come marching in

Someone said to me yesterday that he feared that in a few years he'd finally give up on New Orleans and move. He didn't want to move and then look back and realize he could have been living in a functional city all along. At the same time, he didn't want to leave. He said, "I love New Orleans" and then bitterly complained about it.

A lot of us are like that. It is as if we have been spurned by our lover and we are angry. The city hasn't worked well for decades but its seductive charms made up for it. Since Katrina, it has thrown its dysfunctional turmoil in our faces and we don't like it. True, the Big Easy is neither big nor easy since Katrina. Oddly, it still looks and feels the same in many places. Its fine for tourists. It takes a while for it to sink realize how deeply dysfunctional and divided this city is.

It is terrible that the Bush administration is so incompetent because our own governance is so weak. I'm convinced that the solution to our problems is strong and wise leadership. It looks like there is enough grass roots progress to return some level of livability to the Big Uneasy. Now if we just had political leadership worthy of the citizenry the city could march forward with flags flying and bands playing.

And then the saints would truly come marching in.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.