Sunday, April 1, 2007

Its about time

The candidates first reporting period ended with Clinton leading the Dems in collecting cash. It looks like Obama is close behind her and she would have to have swamped him to declare her fund raising a victory. She has been at it for years and has lots of fundraising advantages.

Nancy Pelosi is off on a foreign tour, over Bush's objections. She's establishing herself as a world figure at his expense. Much of what happens these days seems to be at his expense. The contrast between his first term and now is staggering. In the past, whenever someone revealed administration incompetence or corruption, the person doing the revealing was blamed. How many books were written and passed off by Bush as "by a former disgruntled employee" or as "partisan"? Now the rush of events has overwhelmed Bush and his practice of killing the messenger while ignoring the message. Now his chickens have come home to roost.

Its about time.

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