Sunday, April 29, 2007

The shame of Bush

The false story manufactured by the Bush administration continues to unravel. Now George Tenant has a book out confirming what others have reported.

Bush & Co. intended to invade Iraq before 9-11.
There was no serious debate about the invasion.
I do think there are ample grounds for impeachment but would not want to see it happen. There isn't enough time now and Chaney would just be worse. I like the idea of impeaching Chaney. Would that make Nancy Pelosi V.P.? She's next in line. Now that would be delicious!
We are stuck with Bush, his poor performance, and his weak ethical standards. I was outraged again when I read this morning that the Bush people didn't collect on major offers of help for Katrina. I personally pay a price for the Bush bungling of the federal Katrina response.
Bush's approval rating hovers around 30% What are those people thinking? I'd love to know why they continue to approve of this disastrous president.

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