Tuesday, May 15, 2007

The unraveling

Another high ranking Justice Department official has resigned. That means that the whole top tier is gone, leaving Gonzales alone. What we know about is disgraceful but what about actions that have not been reported. I would bet that we know only the tip of this unethical iceberg. Watch for the last ditch defense of, "No laws were broken" - as if not being a criminal is good enough.

I wonder if we are in for a relentless march of scandals from now to the end of Bush's term. I know of terrible performance in other government agencies that have not bubbled up to the evening news. I suspect they will be on our TV screens, computer monitors and newspapers in the near future.

The mismanagement and corruption in Iraq has directly contributed to our problems there and cost billions. Yes, billions. Some of those stories are being drowned in the sea of bad news. Ultimately, we pay and we suffer the consequences (along the the Iraqi people and the innocent in Afghanistan, etc.).

We are watching the unraveling of our government itself.

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