Monday, September 3, 2007

Colin Powell Redux

Paul Krugman has alerted us to yet another Bush scam. You can read his article on the "Coffee Talk" page and there's a place for your comments. Its time to email our elected officials and the media to let them know we want journalists to be skeptics, not stenographers and we want politicians who are independent thinkers. We can demand it and we should. (Coffee Talk is at

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

enough with the tendentious bullshit.

So you are a coffeehouse owner.

If I owned a coffeehouse, I would welcome democrats, republicans, communists, national socialists (i.e. nazis), anarchists, etc. as long as everyone was respectful of the opinions of others and behaved accordingly.

Instead you wear your political opinions on your sleeve and provide a warning to at least 50% of the population who do NOT share your political beliefs to stay away.

On a business level, that's quite a dumbass move on your part.

I would be surprised to see that your business is still in operation 5 years from now with a person operating it with such a mindset.

I am not wishing you any ill-will, but I am simply incredulous that an entrepeneur would post such tripe especially when it is connected with a business.
